In a recent poll it seems that 3 of 4 Bush supporters still thought that pre-War Iraq had WMD’s, despite all the well publicized evidence to the contrary. The article goes on to show a few more differences in opinion in the views of the supporters and the actual policies of Bush. Somehow, and I wish I knew how, they all buy into this view that Bush is good for our country.
You know, I voted for him in 2000. Why? Because I belived in what he said, he would unite the country, bring back respect for America in the world and generaly be someone who would be a moderate in a country of extremes. He had his chance after 9/11, I worried but was generally supportive when we went in and took on the Taliban and Al-Quida. What happened from there was an intense and sickening display of deception and misdirection for all of America. With the war in reguards to Iraq, Bush and his advisiors made the country divided in such a way as to make you feel that if you didn’t support the unprovoked and unnessicary war on Iraq you were un-patriotic. Now in a country that was riding a wave of patriotism after 9/11, I have to give it to him that he played his cards well, giving him support with the most flimsy reasons, and complete lack of evidence.
In retrospect, I’m unhappy that I voted for Bush, who has divided, sperated and isolated me from other Americans, America from the world (and yes I know Poland supports us), and the entire politial system. I see him as dishonest, or maybe not even that, but so focused on creating his own reality, where he is never wrong, and that scares me. I want a leader who is willing to say, “After recieving more information, I discovered that we were wrong, sorry,” not, “I would have gone in anyways and taken out Saddam.” What does this show us? That Bush wanted to change the view of America in the World forever. Thanks, glad you asked me if I wanted to go along with it. I know there are Americans out there who say, “who cares what the world thinks of us?” Good question, easy answer. This is a world we live on. We cannot continue to be an island and piss off the rest of the world. Sorry, but everyone is conected, and if your neighbor isn’t fond of you, then don’t expect to be invited to the block party or have them help you out when you need to borrow something, or keep an eye out for you. Sorry but it’s common sense.
Look, I don’t claim to have all the answers, and even I wasn’t sold on Kerry until recently. Before that it was because I just knew I didn’t want Bush, now I believe that Kerry might just be the chance we need.
I know, I said no politics, but when your country is on the line and you can’t see four more years of what it’s turned into, you can’t sit silent. As an American I feel I must say something.